During the very late hours of Thursday and the very early hours of Friday, Nick Gage hosted Planet Death as part of the Collective.
Due to the late start time, I feel this show may have gotten lost in the shuffle, nonetheless, it’s time to talk about Nick Gage.
If you aren’t familiar with him, it’s time to get familiar with him.
Gage, called MDK by most, is special. His connection with the fans, the MDK Gang, is probably the greatest wrestler-fan relationship of all time. For me, I started watching MDK without knowing his story or background. I was drawn to the way the crowds and fans gravitate towards him, and his obvious passion for wrestling, specifically GCW. After watching more of his matches and learning more about him, my feelings as a fan only intensified. He’s the kind of guy a lot of us- whether we admit it or not- can relate to. It’s the easiest to root for someone who’s been through hell and back, and in Gage’s case, you’d be hard pressed to find someone in the audience who isn’t on his side.
One of my fondest memories was at the Showboat in February. MDK walked out to chants of “you’ve got us!” I still get chills thinking about it. Not only do the fans believe in Gage, he believes in the fans.
MDK has gathered an immensely strong fan base. The MDK Gang shows up and shows out at every show. Every wrestler tries to connect with fans in the ring, but few go above and beyond to really make an impact in fans lives. Nick Gage is, and always will be, one of these wrestlers.
Take some time to check out his work, send him some good vibes, and cheer at the top of your lungs because no one deserves it more.