I can’t remember when I first started listening to The Lumineers. I do remember when it started mattering, though- when listening to them became something more than just turning on music. It was 2017. It was the worst year of my life.
A lot of people say they’re alone when they truly aren’t. But me? I was alone. Everything around me kind of stopped and went quiet and I was in danger of something detrimental if I didn’t fill the emptiness with something, anything.
The Lumineers filled that space- and every space since then.
They were there on my last day of middle school, on my first day of high school. They were there when I was home alone for a whole week, they were there at a party. They’re there for the breakdowns, and on the happiest moments of my life. I grew up a lot in the last five years, and they were there through all of it.
And they were there in Cincinnati on the Brightside tour.
I knew this concert would be a big moment for me long before I started the drive to Ohio. And I was right. The set-list was better than I ever could have dreamed. They played all my favorite songs. It started raining and dancing and signing in the rain to your favorite band, surrounded by a thousand other people doing the same is pretty magical. I knew this concert would be a big moment for me long before I started the drive to Ohio…. But I never could have accounted for the actual feelings of last night. To me, the album Brightside represents new journeys and moving on and hope. I’ve come to think of it less as an album and more as a feeling and state of mind. The concert intensified all of those feelings. I think the Brightside Tour in Cincinnati, Ohio had magical healing powers.
The biggest part of music is connection.
The connection between the artist and the fans. Between the lyrics and the brain.
Between the beat and the heart.
I’ve felt that connection with The Lumineers for five years now. But that connection live? Right in front of the stage? I cant describe it as anything else but magic. I’ve never experienced anything else like that.
I left the Riverbend Music Center last night, heart full and eyes watery, with a new sense of purpose and a new feeling that everything- that I- will truly be okay. Not to be dramatic, but there’s the Liz before she saw The Lumineers, and there’s the Liz after she saw The Lumineers. That’s a lot to get out of a concert.