Yeah so. This isn’t your typical article, I felt like writing today but didn’t have anything specific in mind. So here we are. A mixed bag for sure. If I liked to talk I’d buy a mic and ramble aimlessly for an hour or so, but since I don’t really know any of you….. a pointless article is where we’re at.
Life recently has been…. weird at best. Truth is there’s been a lot of happenings for me, but there’s also been a lot of struggles. Nothing out of the ordinary really, just my regular manic-depressive episode. It was tricky to handle the past month because June was truly exceptional for me. I have an odd relationship with summer. The way my brain works, I can’t function unless I’m busy and every hour of my day is booked. That’s why school is so great for me. Anyways this isn’t a therapy session so let me just talk about the fun stuff. (I can’t even bring myself to mention the recent happenings in this country, the recent ruling has done a number on me).
June brought me to my favorite band’s concert, a small beach trip with the friends, PRIDE!!!! and of course… wrestling and the accompanying trips- New York for GCW and Chicago for Forbidden Door. CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT Forbidden Door AGAIN, PLEASE. Yes, I already wrote a whole article on it (please check it out it was my favorite piece I’ve ever written), but can we just take another second to marvel in its glory. Seriously, let’s discuss. Also, it was my first time in Chicago and I would sell my other kidney if it would get me back there tomorrow. I visited a college there and it instantly became one of my top choices just because of the location. What an incredible city.
In between all the fun, I worked my little tiny butt off. I have three jobs and although one is just a couple hours on the weekends, I constantly who let me take on THREE. In terms of working on this site, I have mixed feelings about my June performance. I always say I’m going to write more in the summer and then I just. Don’t. But. I feel like I finally hit my stride within the last week, though. I did a couple recaps and published quite a few pieces. Also HELLO???? I did interviews!! Two interviews with two people who I didn’t know personally before hand. I would call that a success. I have a lot of plans for July, a long list of people I want to reach out to, and a huge piece I’m determined (and very excited) to finally put out this month. I’ve been working on it for a looooonnnnng time, revising and restarting over and over again, but I finally feel like I’m closing in on the finish. Stay tuned.
Not to rush away my summer, but the start of school has weighed heavily on my mind. IT’S MY SENIOR YEAR WHAT?!?!?! I didn’t know if I’d make it this far so it’s quite remarkable I’m going on college tours and writing essays for scholarships and celebration my AP Language and Composition score. I’ve looked forward to going away for college for as long as I can remember and I hope this is all a turning point for me.
This article was good for nothing except scratching that need to write in my free time. I actually like the idea of putting something like this out every month or so just for fun. You guys don’t see all the thoughts and feelings I have about this website.. all the pressure and stress, I can be pretty mean to myself and I think I sometimes take this a little too seriously. Anyways, that’ll be the end of this, J can’t figure out how to enable the comment section, but I want to hear from you guys! How are your summers? How was your June? Any cool plans? Let me know!!! And thanks for reading ✌️