“1. 2. 3 *ding ding ding* Bianca Belair is going to Wrestlemania!”
It’s the tale as old as time. The winner of the Royal Rumble match gets to main event Wrestlemania. A huge part of Wrestlemania is dedicated to showcasing the years Royal Rumble winners, but in a time period of a two night Wrestlemania, why is only one Royal Rumble winner being highlighted? Wrestlemania this year is two nights, calling for two main events. This is a huge opportunity to allow both Royal Rumble winners to have their moment. Why is it a guarantee that Edge, the men’s Royal Rumble winner, gets to main event one night, while Bianca Belair might not get to main event at all? If you can’t see the issue you are part of the problem.
A few weeks ago, WWE was advertising Sasha Banks vs Bianca Belair for the main event of Wrestlemania. Fans were buzzing. For the first time ever, two African American women were going to main event the biggest pay-per-view of the year. The importance of this match, and the impact it has on this business will be huge. Banks and Belair are absolute stars. They are main event superstars. Now all of a sudden, they aren’t being advertised for the main event.
“It’s not about race and gender,” What is it about then? There’s no reason why Sasha and Bianca should be denied their main event spot. Giving the second main event spot to Bobby and Drew illustrates a huge problem within this industry. Representation does matter. WWE loves to make their little posts and lists for Women’s History Month and Black History Month, but the registry of things they’ve done beyond that is very short. WWE removing Banks and Belair from the main event is a decision rooted in racism and sexism. What is preventing them from having the main event spot?
It is so important to put women in the main event. Bianca earned that spot. Sasha earned that spot. It’s well known that they’re going to steal the show. A few years ago Sasha said “I said from day one I want to main event Wrestlemania... and if I see someone else does that, that’s gonna break my heart.” Her passion and her drive is there. She’s put in the work year after year. Let her main event! Let Sasha and Bianca main event.
The hashtag, #maineventbanksvsbelair , has been trending for a few days now. The fans want it. Superstars in the WWE want it. Sasha and Bianca deserve the main event! Drew McIntyre and Bobby Langley are guaranteed to main event a whole bunch of shows throughout their careers. Hell, Drew McIntyre main evented last years Wrestlemania! For the women however, Banks and Belair are not guaranteed main events. That’s why it’s so important for them to get the main event they were promised! Sasha Banks vs Bianca Belair for the Smackdown Women’s Championship is the right choice for the second Wrestlemania main event. This is so much more than just a match or just a main event. This is history and this is important!