Hello, and welcome back! Do people actually read these? I’m not sure. Anywayyyyyyssss if you’re here, you came for my new interview! I did this one a few weeks back, and I’m really glad I got off my ass and published because this one is great! I talked to Alix, @legitdeville , all about her dreams and inspirations. We talked about the women’s evolution, and they shared their thoughts about the inequality that still exists in wrestling- a topic I would love to get into more. Enough of this, enjoy the article!!
All images and rights to Sonya Deville belong to the WWE.
Reading of the Records: To start, let’s introduce yourself. Can you talk about your dreams of wrestling and where they all stemmed from?
Alix: I mean I've always loved MMA and stuff like that. I used to love UFC when I was younger and took up martial arts training. I've always loved like fighting sports and such, but at the same time I always used to love acting and drama. So, when I found wrestling it was the best of both worlds for me. I remember it was a friend of mine who got me into it, and from there I literally grew addicted to it. It was everything I loved wrapped into one, and I remember it only took me a few hours to say to myself 'this is what i want to do'. It's been that way ever since.
RR: Women’s wrestling is something that’s constantly evolving, but there’s been many moments of clear inequality and discrimination against women in the wrestling world. Has any of this ever deterred you from wanting to pursue this dream?
Alix: I think it has put me off a couple of times. I see some of the storylines the girls end up in and it makes me stop and think, is that the sort of thing I'd end up doing? The last thing I'd want is to get into my dream job and then be miserable because it's not what I dreamed it to be, or because I feel like i'm being treated unequally. I’ve had times, especially lately with all the releases and such where I've thought that if I were to get into this career, would I have that same fate? It's a little offputting but as with everything, with every negative there's a whole bunch of positives that keep me pushing towards my dream.
RR: Who are some of the women or what are some of the moments you keep in your mind to keep you pushing and fighting for this dream throughout all of that?
Alix: One of the main women who's really inspired me is Sonya Deville. As a bisexual female myself, seeing such a positive representation of a LGBT woman in wrestling made me feel so inspired and uplifted. Normally in mainstream media, you don't see things like that. You don't see someone that open about their sexuality, so to see her do it was just a really big thing for me. In terms of moments, the entire Evolution era really helped me. Knowing that if they put their heart to it they could showcase their women so prominently made me feel so inspired, but also seeing the way the fans rallied behind them so much and how much they pushed for the women to have their moment. It was really heartwarming to see.
RR: The journey towards being a professional wrestler requires so much. Is there any specific thing you’re really looking forward to on this journey?
Alix: I'm just really looking forward to living my dream. It's something I've wanted to do for a long, long time now, and I know how happy it's going to make me when I can finally get to do it. I'm really excited to learn all the ins and outs of the industry, and to develop a moveset and a character for myself that I'll be happy with. It's something I think about all the time and I really can't wait until the day I can start.
RR: In classing Reading of the Records fashion, to wrap up our conversation I have to ask about your dream matches! Who are you hoping to face in the future?
Alix: If I get the chance to, I'd obviously love to face Sonya given that she's been such a big part of my journey. But also Bayley and Britt Baker have always been some big dream matches for me. I'd also love to have a match against a legend like Lita or Trish if I ever had the chance to. I feel like I'd really enjoy that opportunity and I would make the most of it if I could ever do that.