We’re back with another interview! This one is my absolute favorite, and there’s some really good stuff in here. I hope you all enjoy!
Reading of the Records: For anyone that doesn’t know, you’re a writer with your very own website! How long have you been writing and where did the idea to start a website come from?
Sam: I’ve been writing since fourth grade. I remember playing superheroes with my friends and I would write down what they acted out. I remember just the happy feeling of having people act out what I wrote down. I got the idea to make a website by you! I was always scared of posting my work, but I was wanted to showcase it so I decided “why not?” and I made a website and posted one of my poems on it. It was very scary I remember having doubts but I’m grateful for doing it
RR: You’re first published poem is titled, “Mad Woman,” and people who know you know you’re a huge Taylor Swift fan. How much of your writing inspiration comes from her?
Sam: Every time I write a poem or a story I basically think “What would Taylor do?” Her lyrics speak volumes to me and what she did with Folklore and Evermore is what I’ve been dreaming to do with my work. Creating a fictional world that can be interpreted in many ways- that’s what I’ve been trying to do for years, but I’ve never been able to put it into words. When I first heard Folklore, it all clicked. It was like the missing piece of the puzzle was found. When I write, I write with a taylor lyric in mind and I try to work my way around it. I try to create a story with one lyric or even one word.
RR: Is there any songwriting in your future? If not what medium do you see yourself working with the most?
Sam: Never say never. I wouldn’t mind writing songs. It would be a great opportunity to get better at writing so if someone were to ask me to write them a song I would definitely do it. I love exploring new opportunities because I think they’ll help me grow in the future. I want to write a book more than anything. I actually am writing a couple books right now, but I just get intense writers block and I won’t write for months. It’s a whole cycle, but most of the books are planned out I just haven’t put them into words yet.
RR: I think everyone who’s reading this just groaned at the mention of writers block.
Sam: Definitely it’s so frustrating, but I just move on to the next thing. I don’t let it stop me from writing other projects
RR: I know every time I write something it’s a very intimate experience and I tend to draw from personal events and feelings and tie those into characters or whatever point I’m trying to make. What’s the writing process like for you? Whether it’s poems or a story or you’re battling that writers block, how do you organize your thoughts and ideas?
Sam: For me the idea comes from no where, whether it’s a dream or daydreaming during class, when it comes I start planning everything. I get a lot of ideas from out of no where so when I get the idea I explore it and then I start to draw from personal experience. I write everything down in different notebooks so I don’t mix stories around. Everyone buys me notebooks for holidays now which is amazing.
RR: You’ve only just started your website and publishing your work, how far do you want to take this and what dreams (whether it be writing or something else) do you have for yourself? Do you plan on writing as a career?
Sam: I want to continue writing on the website for as long as I can. I sometimes chicken out publishing because I am my biggest critic, but I do hope to one day get a poem at a newspaper or magazine, even if people don’t read those anymore. There will always be at least one person who will see it and who knows maybe they’ll like it. I want to publish a book when I’m older, whether it’s under a pen name or not. The books I write will definitely get better over time, and when I’m confident enough and proud enough to share them I will. But I can gladly say i am very confident that I will publish at least one book in my life.
Now looking back, writing was always the one thing I turned to. When I wanted to write down how I was feeling or write a small story, it always made me feel better. I hope to make characters and stories that people can see themselves in. To me that’s the dream, creating a story that resonates with many people.